Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Unit 12 Unit 29

Dave Mckean

By using different textures Dave McKean can create an image that stand out. Like in this image for example you can see he has probably drawn part of the image and scanned it in so he can enhance the quality and add more effects in high quality.

This image is flat, 2d. He has used a variety of brushes that you can see in the image, there are probably a number of layers to create the overall effect. There is an effect that look like pastel drawings, he could have done this by hand or on the computer, he probably did this by hand and edited it on photoshop to make it more crisp.

Text has been used on this image, it looks like arabic writing but smudged a little. The image is dark, probably darkened on photoshop as an overlay to give it a more sinister look.

I will probably be using pastels like he has for my hippie, like pastel colour in an overlay once my image is on photoshop to give it a soft and gentle look which is quite the opposite of this image.

Sam Glynn

I like the idea of this image, the artists has generally used the same image 4 times just altered the clothes on each body although the clothes are still the same, just different colours and pattern's . The clothes also link in with the images behind the bodies, each one represents a season, the first represents spring showing rain because it always rains in spring, the second is summer represented by his bright yellow and the fact he is the only one not wearing a jacket to show it is hot. The third is autumn shown by the golden leaves on his jacket and the final one represents winter with the christmas tree's.

I will be using the season summer in my hippie alter ego. Hippies are always outside and "at one" with nature, when ever you think of hippies you think of summer, flowers and peace signs. I think i will put flowers and pastel colours in the back ground of my hippie photo.

Adhemas Batista

Adhemas work consists of strong colours and contrast between methods of creating the image, for example, there is photography but the photograph changes into a cartoon as it goes on.

It is obviously all done on a computer but would be drafted out by hand before going straight ahead with it.

This again is like an idea i had for my hippie alter ego, with flowers and swirls over lapping onto my image/s.

Cindy Sherman
I like this because of its simplicity, it doesnt have any effects of fancy things but its still obvious who the artists is trying to be.
I want to do somthing simple in black and white like this for my business woman alter ego but i will look a bit more busy and stressed out.
I think it will look better in black and white, plain colours, to look smater and sharper.

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

How to make masks

Paper Mache
Paper mache is a simple but messy way to create a mask, it is a very versatile medium. It is also very easy to make, you can make it with bits and bobs just lying around your house, all you need is water, pva glue and some sort of paper for example news paper or tissue paper. There are many different recipe's to make paper mache, none are better then the other.
Paper Mache recipes.
1. 3 parts water to one part flour
2. Wall paper paste add water until think and lump free
3. PVA glue mixed with water
Anyway is good, they all work as good as the next.
All the techniques are the same, put a layer of the mixture on the surface then put a bit of the paper and keep making more and more layers with the glues and the paper then leave to dry so it is rock hard, then you will be able to decorate how you please adding bits to it as you wish

Plaster is a little more complicated to make a mask then paper mache is.But still works just as good if used correctly.
  • Newspaper / Cloth
  • Bandage plaster
  • Petroleum Jelly
  • Water
  • And a face to make it on


  1. You will need to use news papers or a cloth to protect your work surface as it is really messy.
  2. Cut the bandage plaster into strips
  3. Get your model to lay down, it is easier this way
  4. Rub petroleum jelly all of the models face espesialy on the hair line, eyebrows, eye lashes and in the creases of the nose, or it will be painful for the model when taking off and may even leave them with no eyebrows
  5. Dampen one strip of the bandage plaster and place over the models face making sure you fit it into the contors of the face.
  6. Do not cover the nostrils
  7. Keep applying more and more layers untill no skin is showing
  8. If skin can be seen then it is not thick enough
  9. Have a break and leave it to set, but not dry up!
  10. Repeate the same process again, taking breaks in between layers up to 3 layers, but not leaving to dry
  11. Have another beak for the layer to set then begin to add any prominent features, for examlpe a bigger nose, big cheeks, eye brow bones etc...
  12. Leave it to dry untill your subject feels itchy. At this point the model should gently being to move their face, eyebrows and nose
  13. Then remove mask gently starting on the edged and graduly going to the middle untill it is completely off.
  14. It is best to now leave it over night to dry completely
  15. Then begin the painting and decorating

Tin Foil and tape


  • Foil
  • Toothpick
  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • Ribbon
  • Acrylic paint


  1. Take 3 sheets of foil and overlap them in a stack
  2. Put them on your face and push as hard as you can, without hurting yourself into all the contors of your face, becareful no to rip the foil while doing this
  3. make sure you have the general outline of your face and all the feaures before removing
  4. Ones the mask is off use a tooth pick to make holes for the eyes (if you want to) and nose, so you can breath.
  5. Cut around to where you want your outline to be, be carefull not to squash it already
  6. Cut small sections of tape and while pressing the mask to your face add the tape over it
  7. Once tape is over all of your mask and feels strong enough to remove carefuly remove it and do the same on the back and edged of your mask
  8. Make holes in the edge's of the mask to put through ribbon or what ever you feel like to use to tie it onto your head.

Face Paint

Face paint is alot different to the other mask idead i have shown, but it can still have a big effect. It could even be easier to make but in alot of ways it is more difficult. You need a stedy hand for detail.

There isnt really any instructions for face paint, you do with it what you want.

Friday, 25 September 2009

Flip book sort of thing

I made some sort of, well i dont know what i would call them actually, like little videos but pictures. Like a flipbook/animation i suppose.

They way i made them is a really long winded way and it takes forever and alot of clicks of the mouse. I hope it will let me put it up, its only a little one, and embarassing, i was trying to do an olie if you couldnt tell ahah.

I also made photos that looked like there was more then one of me and other people, i made quite a few but i only have one on this computer.

I made these in photoshop, its a pretty simple thing to do really, and theyre quite fun to make :)

I know theyre not fantasict and i made them when i was about 14, but theyre funny to me.

I need to get my printer/scanner working so i can put work from my art journal (maybe) and from my sketch book up :)

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Alter Ego's - Beyonce

When we were first told we were going to be doing some performance art of our "alter ego's" beyonce came to mind almost straight away. Beyonce takes on her alter ego "Sasha Fierce" when ever she is on stage and in music videos.
Sasha Fierce inspierd her latest album "i am... Sashsa Fierce" to be split into two. One half as her normal self, the intimate, sensitive more serious self and the other Sasha Fierce, the sexy, fun, high fashion version of herself.
The two halves each have songs to represent each ego. With more intimate songs such as 'Broken Hearted Girl', 'Smash Into You' and 'If i were a boy' while Sasha's side had more up beat songs like 'Single ladies', 'Ego' and 'Sweet dreams'.
When beyonce takes on her alter ego its as if she is no other way, she is Sasha Fierce.

I just love Beyonce, roll on the 15th of November :D

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Power Animal Research

The Domestic Cat

The name Domestic Cat or House Cat came from the word Felis Catus.

What distinguishes the domestic cat from other felines is that it is loved by humans and can create strong bonds between them. Humans appreciate their company and their ability to hunt down vermin and house hold pests.
Cat's are very independent creatures. They do not need taking on walks, having baths or excercising regularly, they can do that on their terms and when they are not sleeping. They can hunt and kill their own food, even though they may not need to if cared for properly. But it is in their nature to kill, so weather they need to the food or not, if pry walks willingly into their path they cannot help them selves. Once they have caught their pray, if they do not eat it they sometimes bring it back to their owners as a gift, an unappreciated gift but, its the thought that counts.
Cats are commonly called boring and lazy, probably due to the fact that they sleep ALOT! But when they're awake, they're awake. Even when the cats are old and a bit frail they will still love to play, at heart they're still kittens.

Felines definitely all have one thing in common, their need to protect what is theirs and fight for what they want. It is more common for the male cats to fight then the female. Males tend to fight for a female mate and the ownership of their territory, females compete over territory and to protect their kittens. When in a fight the cats try to make their selves look as big as possible but arching their back and raising their fur. Felines throw themselves onto the ground to adopt the defensive position on their backs so they can use their hind legs to hurt the opponents stomach. Their is rarely any serious damage done to either component, the loser usually runs off with a few scratches. Other then these qualitys the cat is also a really loving animal.
Cats have really well developed vision. They are able to see in the dark and can function at only one sixth of the human light level. However they are practically colour blind, they are only able to see blue and green and are less able to distinguish between red and green.